About Us
LiceLiberators are dedicated to eliminating the persistent lice problem and educating the community on the use of safe and effective treatments. We are certified as head lice removal clinicians, trained by dedicated professionals in the field for 30+ years. After extensive research, we can guarantee our treatments without requiring second appointments, extra charges, or mandatory purchases. Our treatments are safe and effective; no use of pesticides or toxic chemicals. If you have any questions, feel free to call us anytime; our advice is always FREE.
As an adult, I contracted lice while living in southern Oregon, and it was truly a lot of work to be rid of them without help. While visiting family in NY, I contracted lice AGAIN from the same friend! The mystery of the culprit was finally solved, but I had the problem all over again. My mother informed me of professional services in NY, and it was worth the money! Fast forward a few years, my single-father friend was missing work because his daughter's daycare refused to take her until she was lice and nit- free. Watching him struggle inspired me to offer this much needed service. I know what a stressful and confusing burden lice can be and hope you’ll give us a call to get the best lice treatment in town.